Leadership vs Management | Difference between Leadership and Management

In this video, I have discussed Leadership vs Management.
While many of you may think that manager is also a leader so, these two terms mean the same, but actually not.
Both imply a unique set of skills, characteristics and functions that share a few similarities.
They also show some strong differences in some circumstances. For example, some people lead without a managerial role, while some managers do not practice leadership.

What is Management video – https://youtu.be/GZ2dmbDmB5I

Some points in the Difference between leadership and management are-
1. Leaders Set the Goal, Managers Follow it.
2. Leaders Think Ideas, Managers Think of Execution.
3. Leaders Form the Culture, Managers Support It.
4. Leaders Inspire People, Managers Push Them to Their success.
5. Leaders Peek into the future, Managers Take Action in the Present.
6. Skills of leader vs skills of a manager.
7. Role of a leader vs the role of manager.

Read in details or download the PDF- https://educationleaves.com/leadership-vs-management/

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