What is Problem Solving | Explained in 2 min

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In this video we will explore What is Problem Solving.
We will look at what it is, how does it work, why it’s important and I will also share some examples to illustrate it.

Problem solving consists of using generic or ad hoc methods in an orderly manner to find solutions to problems.
On an everyday basis we consistently engage in problem solving whether it’s solving our problems, dealing with client problems or looking for new problems to solve.
That’s why it is important that you develop good problem solving skills. There are four basic steps in solving a problem:
1) Defining the problem.
2) Generating alternatives.
3) Evaluating and selecting alternatives.
4) Implementing solutions.
Let’s take a look at a real life example to see how each stage of problem solving works and eventually leads to solution.
Let’s say you have a coaching business and you are trying to grow it. You look at your business and identify that you don’t have a website – That’s a Problem
Next step is to come up with possible solutions of how the problem could be solved. Here you consider page builder platforms like Wix, Squarespace or other if you want to do it yourself
Or you can hire the developer and designer to build a website internally as well as there is an option to hire an agency to do it all for you.
Third step is to compare all the options above and select the best solution in your current situation.
Once you have selected the solution the final step is to take action and start the integration process. In our example it would be starting a website development.
As you start to develop a website be ready to deal with new problems that will come as a result of the website development process. The problem solving never ends.

I hope that you enjoyed this video and I was able to give you a quick overview about what Problem Solving is and what role it plays in our life.
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Hi, My name is Janis and I’m Content Creator and Entrepreneur.

One thing that I’m really passionate about is Time Management. Time is the resource that we all need to manage in order to achieve our goals.

So on this channel, you will find content about Time Management, Productivity, How to build your daily structure, etc.

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