Soft Skills (Hindi) I Learn Top 20 Soft Skills with Shalu Pal for successful Career I Training

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In this video, Shalu Pal will share Top 20 soft skills in this video. These 20 soft skills are required for everyone to become successful in their career.

Contents of this video are 1) What are Soft skills? 2) List of Soft skills required for workplace. 3) Importance of Soft skills in the workplace.

Dictionary definition of soft skills is: “Desirable qualities for certain forms of employment that do not depend on acquired knowledge, they include common sense, the ability to deal with people and a positive flexible attitude.” – Collins English Dictionary

These 20 soft skills are – 1) communication skills, 2) people skills, 3) interpersonal skills, 4) Leadership skills, 5) Presentation skills, 6) Personality development, 7) Time management, 8) Stress Management, 9) Conflict management, 10) Self management, 11) Adaptability, 12) Flexibility, 13) Creativity, 14) Teamwork Skills, 15) Problem-solving skills, 16) Decision making skills, 17) Interview skills, 18) Group discussion skills, 19) Negotiation skills, 20) Networking skills.

One may ask about the importance of soft skills. So, these are required for 1)Professional development, 2) maintain good relations and 3) achieve success in career.

I believe that this video will be useful in the growth of your career.