Simerjeet Singh on How to Improve your Communication Skills | Part 1 | ENGLISH Video Coach On Campus

Simerjeet Singh on How to improve communication skills | Part 1 | How to improve English Speaking Skills | Tips to improve English communication skills by Motivational Speaker Simerjeet Singh

How to improve communication skills is a lingering question on the minds of people in this competitive era. We have received numerous requests on social media platforms and otherwise to make another video on Improving Communication Skills, therefore, this time we bring out to you an exclusive 3 part detailed series where we cover topics like developing communication skills, steps to master communication skills and practical tips for effective communication skills. This 3 part series is entirely in English.

In this Part 1 of the series, international motivational speaker Simerjeet Singh stresses again on why and how “English is just a language and communication skill is an art!”

In April 2019, LinkedIn released a report called Global Talent Trends 2019 which revealed that 91% of respondents felt soft skills are very important to the future of recruiting and HR.

One of the most talked-about and most desired soft skill is communication skills. Every job demands it and unless you are in data entry, you will come across situations daily that demand you to have great communication skills.

In this video, youth motivational coach Simerjeet Singh addresses students of GNA University as part of his signature #CoachonCampus series on how one may improve chances of success by making exceptional communication skills as the differentiator. By separating English speaking skills from communication skills, Simerjeet stresses on why communication skills have little do with language and a whole lot to do with the way one speaks the language.

Simple tips on communication skills, effective results – that’s what this video is all about. Watch on and let us know which tips you found useful.

Have you used any of them in your daily life?”

#AskSJSEnglish #CommunicationSkills #CommunicateWithConfidence #Communication #communication_skill #communicationskillstraining #communicationskillskaisebadhaye #interpersonalskills

This video will give you a clear answer to the most prompted question:
How can I improve my communication skills???

In this #CoachOnCampus video series at GNA University, where we have this question coming on how to improve communication skills in English, Simerjeet answers this with real-life examples by giving practical tips and strategies to improve communication skills.

What does it take to improve on communication skills???
We assure through these effective communication tips that communication skills development is not that of a difficult task as it is just the consistent efforts and determination which is involved in improving communication in English or any other language for that matter. These communication skills tips are not only communication skills for students but also communication skills for professionals as well.

Simerjeet Singh always talks about the importance of communication skills in life. He gives the strategies for communication skills development wherever needed and therefore it was made necessary to have detailed video relating to communication skills training. As you watch these communication skills training video in English, there is a certainty that with good daily practice you can improve your communication skills.

| Improve Communication Skills Video in English | How to improve your communication skills | Improving Communication Skills Video in English

SoundCloud audio link:
For more such videos on improving communication skills, English speaking skills, interpersonal skills or tone/quality of voice, click on the playlist:

For other videos in the same series of #coachoncampus Volume -2 at GNA University, Phagwara, click:

For information about Simerjeet’s work in the education sector, visit:

If you wish to invite Simerjeet Singh with his #CoachOnCampus signature workshop at your campus, send in your query at

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