Tips for giving an EFFECTIVE PRESENTATION (HINDI) Presentation Skills By Ashish Parpani

This Video is made to share TIPS for giving an effective PRESENTATION. The video is specially made for Students, Employees, Working Professionals & Businessmen which will give them a fair direction in preparing for a Presentation.
Following TIPS are included in the video content. 1. Knowing Objective/Purpose/Goal of the Presentation. 2. Content (Use of Images, Graphs, videos, Stories). 3. Structure of Presentation (PPTs). 4.Two Way Communication. 5.Confidence & Communication Skills. 6.Body Language. 7.Technology Check. 8.Q&A 9.Checklist
A must watch video for preparing & delivering an Effective Presentation. The video is made in HINDI to make maximum viewers benefit.
Tips for giving an EFFECTIVE PRESENTATION (HINDI) Presentation Skills By Ashish Parpani

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