The Adaptability Quotient | 2021 Future Crunch Showreel

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The world is changing at such a rapid rate. Even as a global pandemic has upended billions of lives, information continues to pour onto screens at unparalleled speed, office buildings are no longer the places where work gets done, entire cities are now powered by the wind and the sun, and we are manipulating the code of life itself to cure disease. Combined with a generational mindset shift in how we view the world, many are wondering how to remain relevant. What’s the key quality for success in a time of constant upheaval?

With trademark humour, dynamism and gold-plated research, Future Crunch tackles what the Harvard Business Review calls, “the new competitive advantage.” You’ve heard of IQ and EQ; this century belongs to those that are quick to read and act on signals of change. People with a high Adaptability Quotient: the ability to thrive in unpredictable environments. Instead of being really good at doing one thing, people with a high AQ are really good at learning how to do new things.

Drawing on the latest insights from the worlds of technology, neuroscience and management, this talk reveals why the best predictor of success is how individuals and organizations embrace rapid experimentation. Audiences will walk away with an understanding of what it takes to foster AQ, how to identify it in others, and how it can be a superpower for anyone looking to maintain an advantage in the next economy.

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