Scratch – A programming language for kids and beginners

A Program in Scratch Programming Language

Most of the students know syntax of a programming language but face problem in developing logic. Today I am going to introduce you with a tool that will help you in learning programming in a fun way. Although I have already introduced you to this tool before in my article 10 Tools to teach & learn programming concepts and increase logical ability“. This programming tool is known as SCRATCH. SCRATCH is a block level programming language or visual programming language. It gives you power to visually create a program.

While working on SCRATCH Not only you will develop high order logical skil but you can also create interactive stories, animations, games & music. if you do not know any visual programming language till date, SCRATCH is the right tool to start with. Look at this video of a game created in SCRATCH.

Now let’s talk more about SCRATCH, scratch is developed by the lifelong kindergarten group at the MIT media lab. Many companies and organizations including National Science Foundation, Microsoft, Intel Foundation, MacArthur foundation, Google & Iomega support this project financially. MIT says that while working on SCRATCH a student will develop creative thinking skills, systematic reasoning and soft skills to work in an collaborative environment. SCRATCH is widely used in many schools to teach programming in many contries around the globe. Not only this, you can also create Robots using “picoboard” and “Lego WeDo Robotics Kit“. You can purchase this kit from scratch store. In the video below you can see a kid made this car 

 If you want to create such Robots or develop higher order thinking skills to create better program. Download it now and Start playing with SCRATCH. You can also purchase these books to learn SCRATCH


  • Dear Sir,
    Good to see you. I wish to learn Programming with your help. I have done MCA and M.Phil in computer science. I never did programming except during my study. Its been long time nut now i want to start my carrier as a programmer than from where i can start to learn. Is there any free sources except to read any book? i wish to improve my practical skill and i don’t have enough time to learn from basis. Hope you will help me to improve my programming skill.

  • Bharat Ketkar

    Dr. Pal,
    Good to see you. I wish to learn Scratch Programming with your help. I am Military retired & wish to teach in schools to promote Programming among the school children.
    Is their any way we can associate? This activity is purely a non profit. I am based in Pune. My contact no. is 9820471888.
    Bharat Vasudeo Ketkar

  • A

    Dear Bharat Ketkar,

    Happy to know that you are interested in teaching programming to school students. I can provide complete content to you. I live in Mumbai. Please call me on 9022419053, we will discuss most of the things over the call.

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